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- Written by Data Prime Cloud
Topic of tonight’s post will be about Microsoft Azure Storage, I would like to share some information on Azure Table Storage. Link below to Azure Table Storage tutorial, on using Python Azure Tables SDK with National Basketball Association (NBA) Stats, using a API. The example in the blog shows how to use the API to retrieve NBA teams stats and the Azure Tables Python SDK to work with Azure Table storage. The Azure Tables client library for Python provides a simple and intuitive API for working with Azure Table Storage, with methods for creating and managing table clients, table operations, and entities.
Link below to blog author by Charles Wang, with more information on using Azure Table Storage, with Python Azure Tables SDK.
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- Written by Data Prime Cloud
How to install Docker Container Services on Ubuntu, Ubuntu is built on Debian's architecture and infrastructure, and comprises Linux server, desktop and discontinued phone and tablet operating system versions.
Docker is a container service which allows one to run applications or even operating systems on a host operating system as containers. Containers are a new and exciting technology that has evolved over the last couple of years and being adopted by a lot of key organizations, link below to a video from “KGP Talkie’s” YouTube channel.
Click here for the “KGP Talkie’s” YouTube video.
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- Written by Data Prime Cloud
Video of one of the sessions from Drupal Camp Asheville 2023, topic for the session is decoupled Drupal Dev on Docker with Docksal. Docksal is a tool for defining and managing web development environments.
Docksal works with Docker and Docker Compose to create fully containerized environments for your projects. In this session they talk about how to setup a separate server for an Gatsby static site, a Drupal CMS site, and a development server running on NodeJS. Best of all, because its container based, it’s extremely portable and can be reused for multiple projects, link below to a video.
Click here for a YouTube video from Drupal Camp Asheville channel.
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- Written by Data Prime Cloud
Video from DrupalSouth event, from May 2023. DrupalSouth is the regional Drupal conference for Australia and New Zealand. The event started in New Zealand in 2008, the DrupalSouth name was adopted by Australia in 2014 after running under the name Drupal Downunder and Drupalcon Sydney.
The video is a case study on building a Cloud Native, when working with the Skpr platform. Skpr is a CLI / API built on top of Kubernetes, and is backed by AWS Managed Services. Video also talks about how Cloud Native and the Skpr platform, are differ from traditional hosting and the difficulties of building on top of a rapidly developing technology, and what you need to keep to do keep update with current technology, link below.
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