The topic of the post is working with Django, in PyCharm. First some information about Django. Remember Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by developers, it takes care of much of the hassle of Web development, so user can focus on writing their apps with as quickly as possible. PyCharm can help take care of creating specific directory structure and files required for a Django application, and providing the correct settings. Now I would like to talk about PyCharm.
PyCharm is an integrated development environment used in computer programming, with the Python language. PyCharm runs on all major platforms, it is developed by the company call JetBrains. Below are links and video's, with information about working with Django, in PYCharma
PyCharm is a cross-platform IDE that provides consistent experience on the Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems, link below to with details about installing PyCharm.
Click here for a Jetbrian website
Working With Django view in PyCharm Professional, link below to a video from JetBrainsTV.
Creating a Django Project in PyCharm Professional, link below to a video from JetBrainsTV.
Opening a Django Project in PyCharm Professional, link below to a video from JetBrainsTV.