For this post, I going to talk about a new service from Microsoft Azure Cloud, called Bicep, currently in preview. Bicep is a language for deploying Azure resources. You can use Bicep instead of JSON for developing your Azure Resource Manager templates (ARM templates).  Example of the differences from Bicep to JSON is below, when it comes to author a expressions, also declares a variables in Bicep.

To author an expression, and declare a variables in Microsoft Bicep:


                Bicep, you would write “func()”

                JSON, you would write "[func()]"


                Bicep, to declare a variable you would write “var demoVar = 'example value'

                JSON, to declare a variable you would write "variables": {"demoVar": "example value"},


Remember Bicep simplifies the coding experience by providing concise syntax, better support for code reuse, and improved type safety. Also Bicep is a domain-specific language (DSL), which means it's designed for a particular scenario or domain. Three link below with more information about s Microsoft Azure Cloud, Bicep


Information on Microsoft Azure Cloud Bicep language, link below.

  Click here for the website

Website comparing JSON and Bicep for templates, link below.

  Click here for the website

Azure Bicep demo, from October 2020, link below to a video.

  Click here for a video