Video from “DrupalCamp” NJ YouTube channel, it is the March 2022 Central NJ Web Developers Meetup. First part of the video is talking monitoring, with Droplet on Digital Ocean. Remember Digital Ocean offers built-in monitoring capabilities to track infrastructure metrics like CPU usage, disk usage, disk I/O, bandwidth, and memory at no additional charge. Many things were covered in the first part of the video, as far as backend server configurations. Second part of the video is a demo on the Tome Project.
Tome is a static site generator, and a static storage system for your content. With Tome enabled, any changes to config, content, or files will be automatically synced to your local filesystem. These exports can be used to fully rebuild the site from scratch, which removes the need for a persistent SQL database or filesystem. Link below to the video, with more information on Droplet, on Digital Ocean, and the Tome Project.