First look at the WordPress 6.2 beta to see some of the new features. Refinements and improvements had been made to WordPress 6.2 as well as ease of use, are the main focus areas of WordPress 6.2 update.
Among those improvements are a new approach to navigating between templates and template parts, an additional way to manage menus with the navigation block, and the ability to import widgets to block themes. Links below with information about the WordPress 6.2 update.
First link is a blog by Sarah Gooding, titled “WordPress 6.2 Openverse Integration Updated to Upload Inserted Images.” WordPress 6.2’s Openverse integration is getting some last minute changes after contributors expressed concerns about it hotlinking images on the site by default. The new feature allows users to quickly insert free, openly-licensed media into their content, link below.
Video that takes a look at the WordPress 6.2 beta to see some of the new features and enhancements coming to Gutenberg and the Site Editor, link below to a video from “David McCan’s” YouTube channel.
Link below to a blog by Jason Cosper, titled “WordPress 6.2 is Coming Soon! Here’s Your First Look.”